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- MAST - Minnesota Atari ST Users ST Enhanced MicroEmacs Editor Disk
- The following is the ST enhanced MicroEmacs Editor disk. This disk
- includes two directories of MicroEmacs editor files. This disk has the ST
- enhanced MicroEmacs editor as well as two quick reference guides, the complete
- MicroEmacs tutoral manual, and complete source for the MicroEmacs Editor. This
- is the nicest the editor that I have found for the ST. The enhancements allow
- for the use of the ST function keys, numeric keypad, and cursor keypad for the
- most often used MicroEmacs. I am using it to write this. This is a very nice
- editor.
- Every directory has a READ.ME to describe the contents of each file
- in the directory and instructions on each file. Thank you for supporting
- the MAST user group with your ST disk of the month purchase.
- Jim Schulz
- ST Disk Librarian and Co-Chairman
- MAST is the ST sig of the St. Paul Atari Computer Enthusiasts.
- Disks can also be ordered directly from me for $7.00 plus $0.50 postage per
- disk at:
- 3264 Welcome Avenue North
- Crystal, MN 55422
- Other Disks Available for $7.00 each:
- 1) February Disk of the Month #1 - public domain ST programs and files
- including Degas files, ST demos, GEM interface articles and source,
- general ST information, and ST utility programs.
- 2) February Disk of the Month #2 - public domain ST programs and files
- including application programs, games, and music/sound programs.
- 3) March Disk of the Month #1 - public domain ST programs and files
- including ST utility programs
- 4) March Disk of the Month #2 - public domain ST programs and files
- including games and general ST information.
- 5) March Disk of the Month #3 - public domain ST programs and files
- including application programs, Degas files, ST demos, and GEM
- interface articles and source.
- 6) March Disk of the Month #4 - public domain ST programs and files
- including Modula source and demo program, OSS Pascal tutorial files
- and programs, music/sound programs, and ramdisk programs.
- 7) April Disk of the Month #1 - public domain ST programs and files
- including ST application programs.
- 8) April Disk of the Month #2 - public domain ST programs and files
- including ST utility programs.
- 9) April Disk of the Month #3 - public domain ST programs and files
- including ST demo programs and general ST information.
- 10) April Disk of the Month #4 - public domain ST programs and files
- including tiny basic programming language, communication program, games,
- and music programs.
- 11) May Disk of the Month #1 - public domain ST programs and files including
- ST utility programs and Music Studio files.
- 12) May Disk of the Month #2 - public domain ST programs and files including
- ST application programs and general ST information.
- 13) May Disk of the Month #3 - public domain ST programs and files including
- St demo programs and games.
- 14) May Disk of the Month #4 - public domain ST programs and files including
- an Xmodem communication program, GEM interface articles, OSS Pascal
- tutorial and program files.
- 15) XLISP - a full featured implementation of LISP for the ST. This disk also
- includes example lisp programs, documentation, and the source for LISP.
- 16) Bradley's Forth - a very well implemented version of the Forth programming
- language. This disk also includes numerous support files including a
- version of the Emacs editor.
- 17) TVX - a full featured editor which includes versions of the program which
- emulate Emacs and VI editors. The disk also includes documentation and
- quick reference guides to help you learn the editor.
- 18) TVX Source - the source for the TVX editor. This disk also includes the
- source to build the editor on an IBM-PC, UNIX 4.2 BSD, and UNIX System V.
- 19) TOS Version #2 - second version of TOS with bug fixes. This disk also
- includes desk accessories, and other disk related programs.
- 20) Artificial Intelligence - a very demo program with illustrates the ST
- and artificial intelligence. This program is fully implemented and
- is much more than a demo program.